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July 21 2002
Wow I'm screwed up. Recently I developed this great plan that was going great, but yesterday I encountered an unforeseen variable. Shouldn't someone have thought about this?? Now I'm fricken confused. I know this is vague, but...

I wish this was easy! I wish everything was easy for me, unless I suggested otherwise. Damn.

Anyways, today I packed. I want to go less and less with every passing day. I know it will be "fun" there, but I don't need fun anymore. We'll see. It will be nice to see my camp buddies.

I think its a good thing that people can't read my thoughts, they would most likely suffer a stroke or something else catastrophic, and yet I find myself testing people for the ability. I sit with people and think really graphic or unbelievable thoughts just to see if they respond. Does anyone else do that?

listening to: "Swiss Army Romance" - Dashboard (doesn't have any lyrics that apply to my life)

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