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July 9 2003

Kinda like those sunsets that leave you feeling so stoned.

Today I cried when I looked at a painting of Éowyn and Faramir. Well, I don't know if I exactly cried, but there were tears. I don't know why, its a painting that I've looked at many times, but today I just looked at it, and read the little excerpt that went with it, and I don't know if it made me happy or sad, but there was definitly emotion there. I'm a big softy sometimes.

I'm ill. Not exactly, but it feels that way. After over a year of being on these pills, I finally got to stop taking them. Unfortunatly, the withdrawl has been a little too much for my body to handle. The worst part about it is that my doctor is making me start on them again. After over a year, and finally being able to quit, and now they've decided that I'm not ready. Fuck. Anyways, the withdrawl is horrible so at first I was overjoyed to hear that they were allowing me to take the pills again, but then I realized that I'm still gonna have to quit sooner or later so why can't I just stop now? Oh well. It was interesting while it lasted.

listening to: "Strange Fruit" - Jeff Buckley