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August 10 2002

Yesterday was great. Today was.... well today was weird.

It started out alright with the parade, I got candy, as could be expected. Afterwards, we watched part of LotR, but then we (me, Derek, Ryan and Jamie) went to the mint festival, where we met up with Shane. Me and D got our faces painted, but I took a shower when I got home so it wasn't worth my mom's $2.

I don't exactly remember where the rest of the day went, but at 7:00 everything just hit me at once. For no particular reason, I felt this uncontrollable urge to cry. It was like I had pent up every emotion that I've ever felt in the past year and it attempted to all escape at once today. Of course I supressed it, because as some of you know, I think that crying is a sign of weakness. My parents were leaving the house, and I guess I was acting strange because they kept asking "what's wrong?" but thats just it. There was nothing wrong. My head's so fucked up. I'm so pissed at everything, but not anything. And don't go telling me that its pms, because I can assure you, its not. My mind just bothers me so much sometimes.

I'm in a pretty gloomy mood right now, the way I feel when I forget my pill, but I know I took it today. I just wanna sleep forever now.