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August 12 2002
I love thinking about the distant future, pondering about where technology will take us, new inventions, new discoveries, and what we will feel when we remember the past. But I hate thinking about the near future. Nothing good can come of this next year. I wish I could fast forward my life without aging, or at least pause it.

Movies + Jeff - Light = Sleep. Woke up at 8:00, realized it was 8:00 without getting out of my cozy bed, and went back to sleep.

Today my dad went up north and alex was gone somewhere all this morning. Sarah stopped over though and we talked for a little bit. Looks like she might move near KZOO. Ryan came over with some guy named Corban who is apparently possibly the drummer in his band. I think Corban might be related to Dan, but I only say that because of the ever so slight resemblence between their faces. He seemed nice though.

In about an hour I am going over to Jessica's but I don't really know what we are doing.

No hallucinations last night. Good sign? Probably.

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