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August 13 2002

I feel that I have just been launched back into reality, and the landing was painful. I have never experienced the emotions that I have felt this summer, and it seems as though as soon as I have discovered them, they will be taken away. The weather seems to match my mood. I can't wait until I get to leave St. Johns and begin a new life with different dependancies and obsessions, an easier life, if you will. One more long year to go. Hell, I would even be satisfyed with it being next summer.

The power just went out here for like a minute, but I'm alright as long as my computer is. I hate when it rains and I'm sad! Its so dumb, its like something out of a movie. I love the rain and I wish I was happy. In fact, if there was only one thing that I could ever wish for, I pretty sure it would be happiness. What else do you need?

"Age Six Racer"- Dashboard (curse me for being stereotypical)