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August 20 2002

Time to type.... Anyways, I'm done with the worst of today, at least I hope I am.

I had a dentist appointment this morning at 9:00. I have no cavities! Yay! But I do have to have my wisdom teeth out soon. :( Oh well, I guess its better that the potention consequences of leaving them in.

I had an appointment today at 1:00 with the therapist. She was a nice lady, but she's not the one who's gonna be my actual psychiatrist. She just did the first meeting. It was really weird. She asked me a bunch of questions and seemed kinda surprised by my answers. They were dumb questions, like "What would you do with a million dollars?" and "what would you do with ten thousand dollars?" . I gave her some pretty cracked out stupid answers. Then she asked what my three wishes would be if I could have anything. I said "happiness" and I couldn't come up with two other wishes. She didn't seem to understand why I couldn't. But, if you have happiness, what else could you possibly want? All I want is to be satisfyed with the life that I am given, no one needs anything other than that. So that was my one wish.

Anyways, that meeting went smoothly, well, not exactly "smoothly", but its over now. My teeth still hurt from the dentist.

Yesterday I hooked up one of my old computers. Why, you ask? No particular reason. Actually, my mom had some files that she wanted to get off of it for a really long time, and I got tired of her whining. My dad says that if I have the space in my bedroom, I can put the old computer in there. Hmmm... Its a junk computer, but it would be nice to have something all to myself in my room. Especially if we could somehow hook the internet up to it. I would like a new monitor too, this old one is a pos. The color is completly screwed up, and only corrects itself once in a while.

Tomarrow is orientation. Hurray. Just what I need, to see my classmates. Another reminder that summer is dying and another school year is preparing to be born. Ewww....

Marc moved yesterday, Alex and Greg move tomarrow, and Marisa moves on Thursday. At least Ryan is a junior. He and Randy came over last night. I need to quit thinking about school!

Its strange, I never get lonely, but I seem to be missing people more than I normally would. I'm okay being alone, but the thought of not having the opportunity to see certain people whenever I want, is making me feel really heavy. *sigh* I'm gonna go draw. Also, I scanned my drawing of Angelina Jolie if you wanna go see it, and I also have a new picture of Penelope Cruz that I just drew.

Listening to: "Idioteque" - Radiohead