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August 22 2002

And so I begin my brief descriptions of yesterday and today.

Yesterday, at around the same time, me, alex, my dad, marisa, jeff, ruby, john, and greg left for Grand Valley. Upon arrival, we were met by Greg's parents and sister Karen, and also Kevin Mault. The apartment was sweet! It was perfect in size and I do believe that I will be visiting much more than I did last year. Well, I spent the day just hanging out in the apartment and on campus with the others and it was fun.

As we were leaving, we met Alex, Greg and Kevin's new roomate, Ryan. He was nice but his dad was kinda really creepy and kept checkin me out. Anyways..... I think I might spend this weekend up there, but I don't know.

Lots more people left for school today, including Marisa, Derek and Eric. Wow. Well, everyone is gone now. Thats okay. I'm a loner by nature.

My cat (sqrrrl) just tried to strangle himself with my mouse cord. He only succeeded in pulling the mouse off the desk. I was cleaning my room today, but I had a totally different method. Instead of organizing everything, I just threw most of my stuff out. I realized, after readin Dante's Inferno, that if I were to go to hell I would be with the other hoarders pushing around the giant boulder. I found so much old useless crap. The good thing is that I think that there is enough room for that computer and a TV now.

Today was okay except that around 4:00 there was this creepy guy in our driveway who was trying out the Audi (my parents weren't home) and he came up on our deck and kept looking in the windows and crap, when it turns out that this guy knew for a fact that my parents weren't gonna be home today. But other than that, things are going as good as can be expected. And I still miss you quite a bit.

Listening to: "Rust Colored Sun" - Space Twins