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August 25 2002

Watched "Amelie" last night. I liked it. It reminded me of myself. "I wonder how many couples are having orgasms right now?" Cute movie.

My neighbors are dumb. The were complaining the other day when we were listening to the Cure because they didn't like "dumb jazz" music. I was just reminded of their stupidity because they have some unusually loud freshman girls over there now. Drunk people are funny. *sigh* Why can't everyone be as cool as me?

Even though I doubted it for a while, I still believe that I don't really hate anyone. I dislike certain things, but I don't hate everything about anyone. But believe me, there are some people who are so close to earning my hatred. I'm gonna quit typing cuz I don't feel like doing this anymore.

listening to: "Born Stoned" - Push Kings