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August 31 2002 I'm going against
Every person that I onced walked with.
Things are happening.
My cat is sleeping and my jade tree's dying.

School started the other day. Not much fun. Looking back onto the two days of school that I have successfully completed, it seems as though I have already lived out my senior year. I was there for less than half a week, and it feels like it should be over. Dang.

Hung out with Greg and Alex at Grand Valley today. Good times. Came home. Watched LotR. My cats got in a fight. Well, I think it was my cats. There were two cats fighting in the driveway under the BMW, and one of them was Gracie and the other one looked like Sqrrl from what I could see, though I have never seen them fight. Sarah and Pete just came over for a while, being that its Sarah's birthday. Her hair is growing out quite nicely. She got her nose pierced and she's getting a tattoo on Tuesday.

Anyways, I'm boring the hell outta myself and most likely you too, so I hope to talk to you soon.

listening too: "Do you right" - 311