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August 8 2002 Do you ever feel depressed for no reason? I do. I am so fucking pissed at the world right now, and I haven't quite figured out why. It's partially because I didn't take my medicine this morning...

I should be insanely happy to be home after the LONGEST 12 DAYS OF MY LIFE!, and actually, I am thankful for that, but I wouldn't consider myself to be happy.

Anyways, yes, camp stretched on FOREVER. I didn't enjoy it too much, but I did meet alot of awesome people who I am definently gonna stay in touch with. No hot guys, but I wasn't really looking. At the camp, I made it into the best orchestra and I was second chair! Hurray! Out of all the bassists, I was the 2nd best! Damn it feels good.

The whole time I was there I had really vivid, really long dreams. Almost all of them were about going home and calling up my friends, and such. A couple of them, strangely enough, were about me being a coroner and dissecting dead bodies. Eww... I wonder if there was some sort of hidden messages.

I wrote in a journal while I was there, but I don't the the entries would interest any of you because they were mostly reffering to my camp friends.

listening to:"mother mother" - Tracy Bohnam