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August 6th 2002

I am so incredibly mad that I can't find my purse! My wallet, spiderman cards, pliers and a whole punch of other items were in there! I had it for like 2 hours and then it dissapeared. This is so aggravating. Anyways...

I went to the doctor's this morning. Personally I believe that I am doing a lot better than I used to, but apparently my mother and the doctor disagreed. I am now to take MORE medicine, go get weighed at least once a month and get counceling. I really really wish I could be normal. At least slightly more normal. I know I shouldn't write all this in a public journal, but I know the few people who visit here the most and they already know about all this crap.

Today I went to lunch with Jeff at Wendy's. When I got home I read for quite a while because the library wants their stupid book back and they won't let me renew it. I also made this cool box thing today, and I drew and worked a tiny bit on my website.

Jeff and I watched LotR tonight and we kept rewinding the part where Bilbo lashes out for the ring on Frodo's neck and pausing it when he made weird faces. We then looked at the stars. The stars are incredible in the country. I'm definently gonna have to see them again. This stupid ticking is making me feel guilty...

listening to: Wally Pleasant- VH1 Song