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August 8 2002

Today was a nice day, I guess. The weather was perfect. I got up at 9:30, but only because I couldn't tell what time it was. I miss the watch already...:(

Anyways.... I went to some garage sales and bought some pins, an ocarina, a table and stool, some funny pants and thats about it. Fun stuff.

Marc came over tonight and we watched some TV or something, and then he left and Greg and Jeff H. came over to watch this cheesy movie with my brother.

We watched it, it was this sci-fi movie called Nemesis. Apparently Jeff remembered seeing previews for it when he was a little kid and was really interested in seeing it. It was hilarious because it was so bad, we made fun of the whole thing. I wonder if its better or worse than Pythons 2...

Isn't it strange how there is always at least one Weezer and/or Dashboard song to describe your situation and emotions? Thats the way it is for me. I'll listen to one of their songs and automatically be able to relate it to my current situation. I'm constantly being reminded of happy moments today, but whenever I think of these happy moments, they are accompanied by this anxious gloomy feeling.

I never believed in fate. If there is a fate, I believe whoever is in charge of it hates me.

listening to: "fast as you can" - Fiona Apple