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September 10 2002

Wow. Lots o' stuff been happening, so I won't go into much detail. Today, around an hour or two ago, Ryan, Randy, Stephen and Patrick unexpectedly showed up at my house. They came to introduce me to Patrick and see if I would go to homecoming with him, I ended up not giving an answer, but I'm pretty sure that it will be a yes. Randy and Stephen left within ten minutes (thank god, they were acting like asses) and me, Ryan and Patrick went for a walk.

Patrick ended up being really cool and really really deep. He had so many opinions on various topics. He's also a very good singer and a good guitarist. My only concern is that he his VERY conservative. Most everything came down to religion. I think that before he came over was the first time that he and Randy found out that I was an atheist. I don't know if they know, but I thought I heard him say something about that. Oh well.

Homecoming is coming too fast, and I don't even know if I want to go, but at least the opportunity is there.

And my appointment with Janet went good, but I now also have a one hour appointment with a psychatrist so he can diagnose me and give me new medications, and I have a normal doctors appointment on Friday, a "check up" if you will. My parents don't trust I have been eating right, but I can assure you, I have been.

Listening too: "Buddy Holly" - Weezer