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September 13 2002"Stone that I am, can stone
Perceive what flesh and bone
Are blind and deaf to?"

Why do I get in such pissy moods after talking on the phone? Maybe it has to do with the fact that I hate phones, but I'm pretty sure that it comes down to something else. Hmm... The world may never know.

I get to be on the news next Thursday for orchetra. I didn't actually get interviewed, but they did hold the camera right on me for quite a while. The guy was like "Pretend I'm not here" as he laid beneath me with his huge camera pointing up at my face. Freaky stuff.

I have so many freaking appointments and crap all the time now. Next week I have a therapist appointment, and a psychiatrist thing, and I also have another doctor's appointment coming up. I'm also very busy with these clubs that I'm in this year at school, especially NAHS. We are very ambitious this year.

On the plus side, David and I are gonna start going to these animation lectures that they are having in Lansing for the next three months. They are showing the making of "Princess Mononoke" and "Akira" this month, two of my all time favorite anime films. Something to look forward too.

I'm not to bummed about homecoming. How much fun could it possibly be if I was to go? Ryan and Jamie would always be together, along with my other friends who are lucky enough to be one half of a couple. Someday.

I have been taking alot of time to think lately. About the past, present and future and stuff like that. I try to create things to look forward too in my head, some sort of attainable goal, and that makes life happier. I try to minimize the sadness, and exagerate the positive points. Its working, somewhat. The points today at which I was expecting to be my happiest, actually succeeded in totally bumming me out. Hopefully it won't always turn out this way. Okay, I've been typing for much to long. This is getting boring.

listening to: "I feel so" - Boxcar Racer