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September 20 2002

Wow. Today was fun. The homecoming foot ball game was tonight, which I swore that I wouldn't go too, but wouldn't ya know, I did. Ryan, Patrick and Bronson showed up at my house at like 6:00 and asked me to go with them. After a few stops on the way, we snuck into the football game (none of us had money) and we did just about nothing. Ryan and Patrick were obsessed with finding this kid who was "a wee bit Irish and a wee bit German", but we had no luck. Patrick struck up a conversation with Chief Madden, and then we went to the visitors side of the field where he started another conversation, but with Mr. Ballard. After that, we got bored (actually I was bored way before that), so me, Bronson and Patrick went to their house, watched some cartoons, then went to Ryan's and we watched Mystery Science Theater 3000.

I ran into wuite a few people who graduated within the last two years at the football game. When talking to Claire, she proceeded to ask, "Do you 'smoke'? Cause you can find the best stuff in Grand Rapids easily." And she didn't mean cigarettes. How ignorant is she? We've known eachother forever and she knows for a fact that I don't smoke, and I hate that she does bad stuff, and she never wanted me to get involoved with any of that anyways.

Well, tomarrow is homecoming, which doesn't really mean anything to me. I'm spending the day in Holly at the Renassiance fair. I've never been to one before.

listening to: "Friday" - Sunny Day Real Estate