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September 6 2002
We all knew that I was never meant to be a muse

I could write you a song, send you a note, or empty out your trash and buy a bucket full of diamonds but even the most beautiful of all roses must crumble to dust and fade away.....

I apologize for the last entry for several reasons. First, I came off as pathetic and self pitying. I wasn't trying to. I'm just pissed at myself. And life isn't incredibly terrible, I've recently found a couple things that make it much more enjoyable.

The second thing. Some once said, "Truth equals beauty, beauty truth". In which case I guess I'm pretty hideous. The crow wasn't hit by a car, it was not a quick painless death. We managed to chase him into a corner of the rite aid parking lot and when i went to check on him a few hours later he was dead, most likely of disease (duh). Anyways, a similar thing happened to Mr. Gnegy when a crow died in his yard this week after acting very strangely. He called to report a case of west nile virus, and the people said "We don't care, we already have proof of West Nile in your county". Not that I really care, even though I have a ton of fricken mosquito bites that are bugging the hell out of me.

yesterday, my dad took pity on me or something because he took me to Michael's in frandor, where I he ended up spendin quite a bit of money on me. 3 new sketchbooks, 1 box of 4B pencils, 1 box of 6B pencils, a BIG box of prismacolors (very expensive), a book on drawing the head and figure, and a few smaller things. I didn't even really need most of the stuff, but he was like "Go ahead and get this." Then we went to Marshalls. Didn't see anything to impressive. Also I learned that my brother sold his bass to my dad to get some money and so now the bass is practically mine. Strange, eh?

School's been... well, to tell you the truth, I have trouble remembering much about my days. I know that I have been talking with some juniors that I wasn't that close with last year. Theres one that I hang out with at school everyday, and he barely knew me last year but it turns out we have alot in common. So in that aspect, everything is getting to be okay. Not to mention that every class is insanely easy, with the exception of Sign Language, which is only moderatly easy. But life is getting pretty boring. Very boring. I wish time would fly by like it did through part of the summer, but I don't think that's gonna happen. Ah well.

Yesterday I got a copy of my friend Brandon's band's CD. I 've known him since I lived in michigan (he's 21) and he has this really cool punk band. I'm starting to listen to a bit more punk, but I still rarely find myself in the mood for ska. I think I've out grown it. I knew it was gonna happen. Now if I could only outgrow Dashboard already....

Well, things will be better on tuesday and at least i can sleep in tomarrow, though I have a jazz band concert on sunday. I've been dreaming alot, not all bad dreams, but they all do contain either spiders or corpses still. My daydreams tend to be a tad bit different, though....

Listening to: "This is not a Love Song" - Juliana Theory
