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Don't Ask Me To Explain
Wednesday, 24 August 2005
"C'mon Cher, we're late for the feast!"
Now Playing: 2 Postal Service songs in a row, I thought this thing was on random?!
Since I've updated my journal, I've been to Europe and back. I've been broke. I've been frustrated with my friends. I've been without seeing my therapist for long enough to receive letters in the mail. I've also been to see March of the Penguins, which gets my thumbs up.

So what's this Angelfire blog builder all about? Is it worth replacing my old site journal? This is the test, I suppose. It can't compete with livejournal, but then again I never really write anything worth reading in my LJ anyway. The important stuff is here!

As I mentioned earlier, I'm broke. I have less money than I've ever had since I started my working career. I actually bought food from a company called "Budget Gourmet". My food shopping at Meijer yesterdady cost less than $3. But my dad gave me $40 in cash today, and I will be borrowing several hundred dollars to pay my rent with as well. Sick. I hate this situation. I'm going to go all out with my art this year, lessons, comissions and all that. I really need the money, but will not have time for a second job with school and everything.

I think Cher would be in Slytherin.

I saw a preview for Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire today. I'm so excited for this one. The fourth book was definitely my favourite, and also the first one that I read. It will make an excellent movie. Its also nice that the characters are older. I always felt odd cheering on 12 year olds in their romantic endevours and such, but teenagers are more relatable, right? Hey, I never said Hermione was hot, unlike some people... Fred and George, on the other hand...

Posted by mi3/elyse at 9:19 PM EDT
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