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Don't Ask Me To Explain
Tuesday, 15 November 2005
Rubber sled, thats what I said
Now Playing: Sensual Armed Forces

I have the feeling that I'm going to become very stressed out within the next month. Skool. You know. Essays. Essays that, for whatever reason, I have such difficulty beginning until a week before they are due. What is my problem? Why, Weezie, why?

In other news, Harry Potter opening night in two days!! I'm beyond pumped. Okay, that was an exaggeration. I was more into it a month or two ago, my excitement has gone on just long enough to die a little. But who knew that Dan Radcliffe had such good taste in music? I now have a little respect for him.

Things are different when there is a guy in your life. I have to shave my legs regularly. But its almost winter. If I were alone, I would have no need to shave my legs. Geez. I bought new sheets today. They're black and match my comforter much better. Like I even care about that. Urges to have things that make my home look better. Thats not how I used to be.

Its funny. In all of the fantastic digital paintings and glamour shots I've seen of Hyde over the years, I've never really taken notice of his face. Sure, I noticed that he was a Japanese boy with a beautiful face, but I didn't really see any distinction between him and other visual kei stars. Until I watched Moon Child the other night. Hideto has amazing character in his face, a unique smile and eyes. Now I know why people love to draw him so much.

Posted by mi3/elyse at 10:05 PM EST
Updated: Tuesday, 15 November 2005 10:10 PM EST
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