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Celebrities I like
My list of "Celebrity Crushes"

As you should know by now, my favourite past time is doing graphite drawings of celebrities, a fairly "in demand" art form as of late. I found, since I started drawing years and years ago, that I always form a strong bond, or connection, to my subjects. This might be the same for all artists, I don't know. For example, before I drew Jude Law, I didn't really know anything about him. When I chose to draw him, I then spent a few days searching the internet for pictures of him and information on him. Once the drawing was completed, I started considering myself to be a true Jude Law fan, and I bought magazines with him on the cover, watched all of his movies, and quite simply, became a little obsessed. However, its not really a "Jude Law" thing, I really become obsessed with all of my subjects, and thats how many of my "celebrity crushes" begin.

For me to be attracted to a celebrity, or any person for that matter, it CANNOT be just about looks. I do not find beautiful people to be attractive unless they have a talent, or personality trait that I really admire. In fact, usually my infatuation begins first with me being a fan of whatever work they do, and then I begin to see them as physically attractive, whether I initially believed they were or not. Whatever, right? On to the list!

Penelope Cruz: Penelope is my ideal, my perfection, my muse. I think she's the most beautiful person I've ever seen. First, her face is adorable, with her puffy eyelids, awesome eyebrows and cute teeth. But there is so much more that makes her ungodly cute. Her high voice is great, but when you add the accent, its incredible. Her mannerisms and everything just add to her extreme cuteness. I mean, even though I think she's so "cute", she can also be sexy, and I admire that. I've spent a life as a "cute" little girl, but no one ever thought of me as sexy, and I think its awesome that she can pull them both off at the same time. She is such a good person too, devoting time and actual effort to charities. She religious and family oriented. Not much like me, but definitely worthy of my admiration. Plus, she spent two years being known mainly as Tom Cruise's girlfriend, and I had that phase too. I like Tom, but I like her more. I've drawn her more times than I can remember, she is my favourite subject of all time. Penelope definitely earns the spot at the top of my list.

Wayne Coyne: He's my version of the perfect male. First of all, he was hot when he was younger, and he's still gorgeous now. But his looks were not the first thing I noticed about him. He's a genius! And pretty much any sort of genius, or independant thinker is sure to get my attention. Technically he may not be the best musician there is, or even close, but he has this sense of mind-blowing creativity, and he has all of these huge ideas that he actually brings to life. I personally possess good technical skills with music, but I could never bring forth the brilliance or originality that only Wayne is known for. And because of that, he's incredibly sexy and at the top of my list. I honestly don't care that he's more than 20 years older than me, I'd still go for it. Well, if he wasn't already in a relationship, that is.

Ian Somerhalder and Cillian Murphy: Ian is the one in the first picture, the other two are Cillian. I put these two together because if I were to ever chose someone purely on looks, it would be one of them. Physically, they are perfect. The dark hair, light blue eyes, high cheekbones, and super long eyelashes... Honestly, who doesn't love that look? Now, I also like them as people, but only because of the roles they chose as actors. Cillian's accent is pretty sweet too. However, I, personally, would never go for a guy that looked like this. I can't date someone who looks too good, its a bit of a turn off, and these two are perfect.

Angelina Jolie: Anybody that doesn't know my passion for Angelina doesn't know me very well. Ahh, she's awesome. She seems to have an equal number of male and female admirers, which is pretty uncommon. I like her because she is really independant, honest, and forthright. She'll say exactly what she's thinking, even if people will look down on her for it. Even if you don't like Angelina, you have to admit that she's really different than the rest of today's actresses. And thats what I like about her, her individualism. Contrary to popular belief, I am not a big fan of her lips. Its her eyes that I like, they are gorgeous. Plus, if it were up to me, I would give her slightly smaller lips. Sure, they're a distingushing feature and they make her look different than the others, but honestly, does she really need to rely on a physical characteristic to stand out? I think her actions are enough to really draw people's attention.

Stuart Murdoch: I can tell you right now that physically, I never considered Stuart to be my type. Really pale, skinny, blond, not for me. Usually. But he's so freaking talented! And seeing him perform live was what really got to me, I guess. And he wears tight shirts, I'm into that. Anyway, since I found an appreciation for Stuart, I've also found an appreciation for men that look like him, including Paul Bettany. Ha. Suddenly I don't mind the blonds so much.

Jude Law: Surely, if you read any of my intro, you would know that Jude is on my list. I don't know who he's kissing in the first picture, but its definitely a man (I've seen him kiss Johnny Lee Miller and Ewan). Above, I stated that Ian Somerhalder and Cillian Murphy were the most physically perfect men there were. I stand by that, however, Jude Law is much MUCH more physically attractive to me. In fact, I would say that he has just enough imperfections to make him the most sexy guy to me. His slight imperfections (like the receding hairline) just make me like him more. And he's British. Man... I really, really like Jude. A lot. I like his roles, and I like him as a person, he's very mischevious and sexual, yet cool. He's even sexier when he's with Ewan McGregor.

Naomi Watts: I started liking Naomi Watts after Mulholland Drive, but it had nothing to do with the lesbian sex or anything. Its simple, I like her teeth. No, I love her teeth. I have a weird fetish for her particular type of teeth, the two big front teeth, but only on women.

Ewan McGregor: Ewan, Ewan, Ewan... One of my first big celebrity crushes. He's adorable, his best feature being his dorky smile. I like Scottish accents too, very coarse. Ewan is a bit too much for me now. By that I mean that I don't really care for his overt sexuality anymore. He's a bit too obsessed with his own nude body and sharing it, and details about his sexual habits, with everyone. At first it was kind of hot, but not so much anymore. But he is still hot! Definitely. I like him better with Jude Law, though.