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Tortured Hostage
Tortured Hostage
I was in a resturant (think fast food, it had a counter), when this guy with a gun came in and demanded money from the cashier, then he left. For some reason, I chose to remain in the resturant. Well, a few minutes later, another guy comes in and demands money. All of a sudden the lights turn off and the cashier pulls out a gun.

"That's it," she shouts,"I've had enough!" She then procedes to shoot everyone in the resturant, leaving like six of us still alive and unharmed. She locks the doors and puts us through all of these horrible tortures, promising that if we do what she says, she will let us go. I can't remember all of the things that she made us do, but one of them was where we all had to sit in this pit of fire without leaping up or screaming. I remeber thinking that some of these things caused the worst pain of my life. She also challenged us mentally, and if we were to screw up, she would kill us. None of us screwed up in any of the "activities". We had to have this big group discussion with her, and it turns out that she felt the same way about life that the rest of us had felt. It was also then that I realized that this girl was Grace (or one of my other cute chinese friends ^_~) except I still didn't know her in the dream.

"You can go," she finally said, and we wasted no time in running out of the resturant. When I got home, I was surprised to see that Alex was there with Kevin Mault, Joe MacDonald and Grant Kindel, except Joe had red hair. I was like, "Hey Joe, you look like your brother!" I then put on my pajamas and decided to sleep on the couch while Alex and the guys watched a movie.

Then my mom came downstairs with her new pet poodle (damn, it was hideous!) and yelled at me for interrupting Alex's movie.