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Scary Jeff

Rachel Blink, Betsy Rennels and Yeardley Smith (wtf?!) were playing soccer on some field in town, and they asked me to join them. Being as athletically inclined as I am, I did. We kicked the ball back and forth, and then laid in the grass for awhile and talked, or looked at clouds. Something like that. Anyways, they said they were going up to Houghton, just for a visit, and asked me to come. I did.

After a long ride, in one of those long uh.... utility type vans, we get to some forest in the UP where we picked up Jeff. Of course, this was the first time I had seen him in months, and regardless of what happened earlier, I'm overjoyed to see him. We share a seat on the van, and hold hands. Its all nice, and we don't talk at all. Then we get to his dorm/apartment.

His living conditions, as it turns out, are not really like a dorm or apartment. Its more like an army bunker. We, still with the other girls as well, approach his bunk bed, where he proceeds to take a pack of cigarettes out of his backpack, and he starts smoking. It was then that I remembered him telling me earlier this summer that he had started smoking. It was really uncomfortable to watch him smoke too, like... I don't know, just how much of a change it was from the Jeff that didn't smoke.

Jeff informs us of a concert outside (it was like 40º and snowing). I asked if I could borrow a jacket or something, all I had on was his old skiing sweatshirt, would that be enough? He gives me the dirtiest look, and then walks outside, expecting us to follow (which we did). The concert is relocated to a bar. The whole night, he's normal Jeff, until I say something, then he either says something to make me feel stupid, or he doesn't say anything, but rolls his eyes and turns away.

My thoughts on this dream:I know the dream went on a great deal longer, but its all very fuzzy. This definitly came from my thoughts because, frankly, I'm terrified of Jeff now. He's been so kind to me in the past, and its hard to get used to him no longer liking me or being such an outstandingly nice person. Of course, this is an exaggerated version, Jeff would never actually smoke.