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Back to School
Back to School, Star Trek Style!

School had started and I was in a science/chemistry class. The school had the feeling of high school, college, and middle school, combined, but I think it was supposed to be college. The only person that I knew in class was Colm Meany, so I shared a lab table with him. At this moment, I changed into a cute Asian girl, who had previously been on Star Trek, for one reason or another. (My only guess was that I was Molly, Chief O' Brien's daughter, except I was at least 18 now).

"Out of all the people here," I claimed, "I've known you the longest!"

"Out of all the people here, you are the only one I know at all," he replied.

"Well, we're both here for the same reason," I said. He raised an eyebrow. "To sing the theme song to this class! Thats why you were chosen, right?" He nodded, then the teacher walked in. I reverted back to my old "Weezie" body.

There were moments when Colm would switch between being himself and being Chief O'Brien. He was the Chief now. The teacher gave us a problem to work on. "Find which one of these is a toxic salt," she said, as she helf up a paper with chemical... um... Those chemical patterns, the way they read when written out, like H2O, except a million times longer. Anyhow, there was only one copy of the paper for the whole class to share. The Chief and I went to go look at it. I pointed out one chemical strand, recognizing that it was a type of salt, thinking it might be the answer. O'Brien shrugged me off, and used blue and orange markers to draw out more clearly some chemical strands that I hadn't even noticed on the sheet, but it was I who solved the problem using the information he pointed out to me.

Class ended and we walked down the hall together, he was now just Colm Meany again. "Do you like to talk about Star Trek?" I asked. He shook his head. "I don't really like or dislike it, I guess."

"Well," I started, "When I was a kid, I didn't really care for your character." He gave me a startled look. "Only when I was a kid! I thought he was mean and angry all the time. But now, he's one of my favourites."

"Glad you think so," he replied. I looked down at my feet for a couple seconds.

"My real favourite character is Julian Bashir," I said, "What's he like in real life?" I don't remember much from that conversation, but I had tred to incorporate into the conversation that I was single, and Sid was single, put two and two together (age doesn't matter in dreams!).

Now we were in the front of the building, it was snowing outside. I didn't have a ride.

"Could you give me a ride home?" I ask Colm. He thinks for a second.

"Well, I think if I gave you a ride, I would be a little later in getting home. So no." Then he left. I was shocked. A friend being so directly rude? He didn't even have a real reason! Bah.

This dream went on for a while longer, and that time included me despretely searching for a ride, then despretly searching for my locker (I had no idea where it was). The school looked like the middle school, and I ended up circling the whole thing several times. Then I went to a faily reunion type think, where I had an Uncle Pete that looked like a real life version of Peter Griffin, and I always made fun of him for it.

My thoughts on this dream:Well, I'm not attracted to Chief O'Brien, but I always have had a sort of.... respect for him, and admiration for him. This drea only made me appreciate him more, even if he was a jerk to me in the end. As for any hidden subconsious messages, I'd have to say the only thing that really relates is my apprehension of school.