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"Wait. Are you the one everyone is talking about?"
"Yes. I'm Sailor Mars. They all call me 'Flame Sniper'. Are you ready?"
If you download one song today, let it be Flame Sniper by Sailor Moon. Its awesome! Actually, my two songs of the week are "Lovefool" by the Cardigans and "Memory" from cats. Other songs that I've been listening to? Well, ALOT of Masami Okui. Mostly "Bakuretsu", "Mask", "Endless Life" and "Try Again" (the slayers theme). I stayed home today (major headache). It was not feeling to swell at all. Tommarrow is Valentines day. I'm back into my annual "i hate this time of year" mood. Valentines day sucks. Who doesn't agree? Well, we're going to states with A Midsummer Night's Dream. Thats pretty cool I guess. I wonder if anyone ever actually reads this journal? I guess you do, Xtina. Hi! Anyone else who reads this, please sign my guestbook and tell me that you read this. Okay. I took alot of medicine today. I can't write or draw because my hands are too shaky. Scary... I'm working on my really long Ronin Warriors fan fic. Ahhh... Rowen. Enough of that. I saw Hannibal this weekend. It was pretty cool but there were some really stupid parts that I could've written better. I also went to marshall music and saw a pretty cool fender p bass. It was black with a goldish brown pick guard. It reminded me of a bear for some strange reason. Okay, I had a very weird dream last night. Listen to this:

I was in a hot tub with Sailor Moon and Sailor Chibi Moon. I was like Sailor MOon's twin, except I had black hair and I was evil. I was trying to kill Sailor MOon and Chibi moon got scared and ran away. Sailor moon tried to bite me, and just as she was about to say something I bit her in the arm really hard. I was way stronger than her. I tries to hit her with a wooden board but she took it away from me. I then whacked her over the head with a plastic cutting board. We were both weakened, although she was much weaker than me. I hopped out of the hot tub to get something to hit her with. While I was out, she transformed into Super Sailor Moon. She thought she was stronger than me, but I was still stronger. For some reason my boss called me back to head quarters though...

Is that messed up or what? The weirdest thing was that I had like 3 dreams about twins last night. hmm...