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May 23, 2000

Today is a Tuesday. I have my next concert on Thursday. We're gonna play that November Rain song. Its a pretty cool song. I also have to play with my orchestra too and that will suck. That is because we suck. I'm listening to Miss Saigon. Christina let me borrow her Sailor Moon movie. I'll watch it later because it is only an hour long. Today after school I was with Steph, and we saw Gary and his girlfriend and I actually wasn't jealous because I also saw one of the newer guys I like. I like 3 blonds. is it blond or blonde? Whatever. I don't even like blond hair. Tonight is Greek Night. Its like an awards ceremony with food and stuff. I'm gonna wear my new red dress because I have nothing else to wear. I got emails today from Mr. Wittavene and Wally Pleasant. Oh happy day. Our japanese grant thing seems to be working out pretty smoothly. In the beginning I was pretty unsure but it but now its pretty easy.

