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Qualities of a Well Rounded Teen
Qualities of a Well Rounded Teen

First, I'm going to start out by saying that, despite popular belief, I'm not writing this one out of bitterness. Although, there was a time when I definitly considered writing all of the same information below simply out of bitterness. I used to thrive on my independence, I liked being different and it really pissed me off when people copied me in any way. Ah, who am I kidding, it still pisses me off, but I've come to realize that nobody is unique (only physically^_^) and more often than not, instances are coincidence, not copying.

Okay, there are several thoughts/behaviours/phases that I have noticed in my own life (not currently of course), now occuring in the lives of others, some at the same time as in mine. These are general thoughts that I now believe that everyone in my age/interest group goes through, they are as so:

1. I hate all people, or the majority of people. Whatever. I once thought I did. I guess I shouldn't phrase it like that because I wasn't really "thinking" when I said it. I don't get along with many people, and I really dislike social events, but altogether, people rock. Anyone that I don't know, and don't have immediate cause to be jealous of, I like. I like that every person has their secrets, their life stories, their personalities. I like that everyone looks different. I like quirky personalities. Sure, there are some bastards out there, but without them, how could I feel better about myself? Everyone serves their purpose. I don't hate anybody, I dislike some, but I have decided that to hate someone you should dislike every single thing about them and not be able to find one good point. I have yet to find someone that fits this (John Proctor is pretty damn close)

2. I hate kids, yeah, I'm no kid person, and apparently neither are any of my friends. However, in the past year or two I have, I have met some kids that I don't mind, that I even like. So they aren't all bad. If I find a kid that reminds me of a little me, I like em. This by no means means (double means) that I ever want any of my own, but minds change over time, so who's to say what the future will bring. Kids, like human beings, are best judged on an individual basis.

3. I hate high school, well, if it was like it was for me, I'll allow you to say this. High school sucked. Real bad. Real, real bad. But I didn't hate it. I remember several things that I liked about it. I liked mega meaty nachos, which I'll most likely never have again. I liked talking to Bucky in orchestra. I liked when Annie and I ate lunch in the hallway alone (save for that one boy who always brought his own lunch). I liked making Mrs. Putnam mad. I liked helping the kids in art class. I liked drama my freshman year. I liked making up code names for the guys I liked. I liked stealing souls. I liked that I was smarter than a few of my teachers. Even though a majority of the time spent in high school was absolute misery, I liked several aspects of it. How could you possibly hate something if you liked even one part of it?

4. I'm depressed/I cut myself/I've contemplated suicide, yeah? Fuck teen angst. Fuck not being able to get attention without resorting to it. Unclear of my views? Visit my angst essay.

Keep visiting this one, folks, I have plenty more I'll be adding to the list of, "so and so's original qualities!" I shouldn't strain myself like this.
