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A Skinny Girls Defense A Skinny Girl's Defense

I don't even know how to start this, I have so much to say. Society has always emphasized appearance too much, everyone knows that, however over time people have become more accepting of certain body types. At the same time, society has developed a dislike for skinny girls. This is a very uncommon arguement that I'm going to put up, and I'm pretty sure that not one of you will agree with me, but I guess I don't really care.

People have, over time, realized how cruel overweight people have been treated, and have deleveloped understanding for them, and a new sense of guilt for their wrongdoing. They began to acknowledge that people naturally come in different shapes, and should not be judged. Except skinny people. I don't like when people complain that a model looks anorexic and gross or whatever. That they don't have real bodies. Or that they hate models in general, and make jokes about how they all starve themselves. "The only thing that's wrong with those magazines is that they always have really skinny girls with really nice bikinis and stuff that doesn't look good on anyone, " says an anonymous magazine, discussing how people compare themselves to models. Sure, that outfit looks good on the skinny model, but it doesn't look good on real people, because surely, if anyone is skinny like the model, they cease to be a real person. Their body isn't natural, or realistic. Others have bluntly said "this is a problem in the media that is a distortion of reality," also because in reality, if you haven't noticed, nobody weighs less than 120 lbs. People complain of these "unnatural" girls representing different clothing lines, yet if you look through a magazine, and actually record the model's body types, you will notice that most bodies are, in fact, not underweight, but fit and healthy. And so what if some are underweight or otherwise skinny girls, what ever happened to the understanding that different body types exist, or does that only work in the defense of someone thats overweight? This paragraph was mostly meant to defend models and those who are naturally underweight. Yes, some people do have the ability to eat all the time and not gain weight, not every skinny person has an eating disorder. But some do.

Eating disorders don't only affect people who think they need to lose weight, they can happen to people who are already thin and know that they should not be losing weight. I was diagnosed with an eating disorder 16 months ago, when I was already underweight, and had been my whole life. I quit eating, and it had nothing to do with my self image, or wanting to lose weight. Its just happened, and I lost 20 lbs, that I couldn't afford to lose. I am currently 40 lbs below my ideal weight, and I have tried desperetly to gain weight this past year, but I only seem to lose it. With the help of medication and constant surveillance on my eating habits, I have been able to maintain my weight, and quit losing it, but our society has become so focused on helping the overweight individuals that it only makes it more difficult for people like me. It seems that every artical about eating healthy in magazines, only talks about how to lose weight. Every magazine I own seems to have at least three pages devoted to diet plans. I have never ever in my life seen an artical about helping young girls eat healthy to gain weight, or even just maintain it, and I know that I'm not the only person who needs to. I have had dieting friends tell me that I'll never be able to understand what they're going through, but I do because I am going through the exact same thing, only reversed. I have been on several diets to gain weight, and its probably the hardest thing I've ever had to do. I'm so out of shape that I can't even begin to exercise. I feel like an 80 year old in an 18 year olds body. And its much harder to find support from peers than if you were trying to lose weight to get in shape. But it really is the same thing. I didn't mean to go on about that for so long, sorry.

I also want to make the public aware of the unintentional insults that they may put out there, directed towards skinny people. People have become so consious of the bad treatment of overweight individuals, that they make it up to them, by harming others in the process. You pretty much never hear people saying "I hate fat people", that would be outrageous. Yet it is common, and okay to say things like, "I'm affectionate, so someone who's nice to hug. Skinny girls don't feel good, its kinda gross," while defending the overweight. "I wouldn't go out with a skinny girl, they look anorexic, like a skeleton". I notice these comments more than the average person, I suppose, I'm sensitive to it. I just fail to understand why its so understandable to talk bad about thin people, when its so taboo to insult anyone else because of their body. Its not that people don't insult overweight people, because I know they do, but everyone views their comments as an insult. When a thin person is insulted, the general public doesn't view it as an insult or something hurtful.

One last issue. Celebrities and their power. Books specifically. Good luck getting a book published about how much you hate fat people, but there are many books on the market about how to be proud of your body and hate skinny people at the same time. Fucking hypocrites. Skinny Women Are Evil a popular book at the moment, and Big Girls Don't Cry teach women how to be happy with their bodies, unless they are skinny, in which case they should rot in hell, or something similar. Stupid stupid ideas.