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Eric's Fencing Results - Page II
Written and researched by Matthew Rhys Sypniewski, B.A, M.A.

This is a photograph of myself and the Renaissance Fencing Club Official at the last open Fencing Match at Schoolcraft College. Even though I did not win I got valuable experience fighting against A - D rated fencers.

My dad and I before resuming our club and class activities at Schoolcraft College. That night were were disappointed to discover that we were not called, and no answering machine message was left regarding the re-scheduling of Schoolcraft's last class match. The originally scheduled match was called off because of a power failure.

Before Winter set in, my family and I traveled to many State matches, so I could get some competition experience with classed fencers. I have not won as yet but I didn't lose face either. I held my own.

I hope to resume this traveling as soon as new tournaments are scheduled in the Spring. I am happy to say that I have met a few very nice people from other clubs.

Photographs of the meet we missed. Schoolcraft Winter Class Games (Advanced Class). Doug McLaren's Page.

Don't forget to check-out our FESTIVAL PAGE for other summer events in Michigan and Ohio.

Schoolcraft Advanced Class Winners, April 2004. I am on the left (Matt Sypniewski - First Place), moving from left to right there is Kevin (second Place) and Howard (Third Place)..




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This page is updated and designed by Maggie (BFA) and Matt Sypniewski(BA/MA)
Last updated on August 27, 2004.