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EWF's Jacked
The Extreme Wrestling Federation Presents: Jacked Up. This Video is what Profesional Wrestlers don't want you to see. Jampacked with the most Hardcore and Memorable Moments in EWF's History. Over a 1hour & 1/2, With clip after clip of non-stop hardcore, chairshot, pain inflicted, BACKYARD WRESTLING at it's best. With an exclusive, behind the sceens, of "the Making of A Hard Core Hell!"
EWF's Jacked This Video is not ready to Sell to the public yet, but bet your ass as soon as we recieve the promotions and the Rating from the M.P.A. we'll let you know.

Are YOU ready???!!!!
Have you ever been slammed on the ground so hard that you have STOP and think about how hard you hit and how much it's gonna hurt the next day! These are stories of ewf wrestlers on injuries.

"Yeah, I got injured a few times. I got my left elbow dislocated by steel chair. If you look at it.. it ain't right. The bone is 1/4 of a inch sticking out. Yeah, it hurt"

"Well the first injury was the 1st yr we started wrestling,my head hit a god damn LADDER! thanks to jaggz in a practice match.
My 2nd one was from jaggz also it was a rec match,it was dark when he picked me upside down an slamed my head in to a matt. 2 weeks of neck pains."

Smokey Joe
"Just Get Higher Than The Pain!"

" hurts"

"I wen't to piledrive, whats that, freak, and he fell and broke my ribs..........That Fucking Dike!"

"I WISH CHAOS WILL STOP KICKING MY ASS EVERYDAY! That asshole keeps busting my stitches open!"

Krayzie one
"All the times they hits my with stuf. I evn hurt my back Wrestling" (We Ment To Mis-Spell That)