The global air pollution problem has been solved! Now is the time to act on our Global Remediation Plan.
Many of you are undoubtedly concerned with the problems facing the world as we enter the new millennium. Others are curious about alternative engine technologies, and some are simply unaware of the serious state of the global environment. It's time to set the record straight -- let the chips fall where they may -- and figure out where we go from here.The biggest problem facing all of us today isn't Y2K. It isn't even data security. Global pollution is the most serious threat to man's future. We can live without modern conveniences -- we can even live without certain "necessities", but we cannot live in the ever-increasing cesspool of industrial waste!
People frantically ask, "Why doesn't government act?" or "Why don't they (industry) produce without polluting?" The fact is, it isn't their job! For the last 100 years, both government and industry have taken a totally irresponsible position in dealing with pollution. Both have conspired to overlook the problem in favor of increasing revenues (increased profits and taxes). Now we are left with a problem that is so massive, air and water toxicity levels will reach human extermination levels within the first quarter of the 21st century.
So if the problem is so widespread and toxic emissions are out of control, is there anything that can be done to avoid inevitable extinction? -- Yes, but it will take nothing short of a total revolution -- the Motive Power Revolution!
Since government & industry refuse to take responsibility for their actions, the general public must do it in spite of them; after all, this is not a government of the rich... by the rich... for the rich! We are calling on all responsible citizens of the world to take control of man's destiny -- out of the hands of irresponsible politicians and industrialists -- and dictate to them terms of conduct. Otherwise, man won't survive much longer!
To begin with, technologies that pollute heavily, such as gas & diesel piston engines, must be banned and immediately replaced with low-polluting, high-horsepower alternatives.
Next, all other motive power devices such as power generators, commercial aircraft & ships, need to be improved to near-zero emissions. Production industry needs to be cleaned up or forced to go out of business.
Last but not least, we need to re-engineer worthless government which is occupied with golf games & perks rather than responsibility to the people!
Technologies already exist to carry out the Global Motive Power Revolution, but we need the cooperation of all responsible individuals around the globe to make it work! Join with us in making the real New World Order a reality!
Ken Rieli, Chairman
Global Motive Power Revolution
Last updated: 01/30/03 08:59 PM