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Ban the Piston Engine Campaign!

Take Action!

Stop buying products that are powered by obsolete,  earth-destroying piston engines!

Participate in one of the following technology development programs:

Phoenix Turbine Builders Club -- Free, open source Tesla turbine builders club, electrical generator project, step-by-step articles, photos

International Sustainable Growth R&D Network --  Free technology transfer program. 2003 project is a multi-fuel, ultra-clean burning turbogenerator for residential electrical power or village utilities (water & sewage pumps, irrigation pumps).

Or contact PNGinc to discuss joint development ventures & consulting services relating to their sustainable growth technologies.


Piston engines are inefficient energy converters.

High pressures and high heat in piston engines (particularly diesel) recombine fuel molecules into long hydrocarbon chains -- formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, etc. These chemicals are extremely toxic.

Even automakers and diesel engine manufacturers, with multi-billion dollar budgets, admit there is nothing more they can do to curtail exhaust emissions from "clean" diesels & other piston-based technology.

Gas turbines produce only 50% of the toxic emissions of piston engines, even when using the same fuels. 

Turbines are the only high-horsepower alternative engines presently available. Pulling power, which is the key to maintaining a trucking-based economy, must weigh heavily in the solution.

By implementing next-generation designs such as the Phoenix Kinetic Energy Drive & improved boundary layer turbines, efficiencies increase, pollution decreases further, and low manufacturing costs allow widespread economical use.

Global Motive Power Revolution

Sustainable development solutions    Pollution-free Energy through Enabling Technologies    Free! Phoenix Turbine Builders Club!    Campaign to Ban the Piston Engine    Global Open Source Turbine Forum    International Sustainable Growth Research & Development Network    Renewable, Biomass Fuels Formulas & Processes    Phoenix Environmental Remediation Plan    Clean-burning boundary layer turbines to reduce greenhouse gas emissions    Microturbine power plants for distributed power    Catalytic technologies to reverse global warming    Kids for a Secure Future, environmental youth activists

Last modified October 16, 2003 12:38 PM