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Mechanized Food Production in the Developing World

Flooding in Czech Republic 2002 (AP)Already we are beginning to see the dangerous results of climate shift. Man-induced changes in climate patterns are leading to floods, droughts and crop failures across the globe. This is only the beginning of what may end up becoming a permanent shift in erratic atmospheric disturbances.

Until very recently farmers all around the globe could rely on annual, predictable weather patterns, allowing them to at least feed their families & villages from indigenous local gardens. With the rapid rise in urbanization and industrialization, the air is no longer fit to breathe in the cities, and the widespread greenhouse effect has ruined the annual growing seasons.

Along with a long-term plan to curb emissions through use of better combustion technologies, a more immediate part of the overall solution involves global low-cost mechanization of small producers in developing countries. 

For several decades, PNGinc scientists have designed, built and tested low-cost ATV solutions for widespread use in the developing world. Through our International Sustainable Growth R&D Network, basic mechanical platforms equipped with these proprietary fuel & engine management technologies will empower individuals worldwide to move from the roles of impoverished statistics to successful productivity.

Give a man food and he will continually come back for more. Give him the tools to grow his own, and he will help feed the world!

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Last updated:  02/04/03 08:48:51 PM