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Waste Oils & Solvents to Electricity

Widespread Global Solutions for More Power, Less Pollution, at a Lower Cost!

Along with industrial growth we've witnessed a proportional growth in waste products, including oils and solvents. In fact, many medical ills are also tied to this rapid increase in liquid wastes, with numerous studies linking the release of these toxins into the environment with the modern disproportionate rise in cancer, heart disease & all modern man-induced diseases.

The only way to control this present scourge is through strict programs of containment & recycling, worldwide. No longer can we afford to allow the farmer, the industrialist, the government worker or the militarist to gamble with the health of the world through defiant dumping of toxins into our environment.

By instating strict penalties for willful dumping -- and by using these waste products to produce needed electrical power -- we can solve two major problems at once.

Ultra-clean burning technologies like those being developed in our International Sustainable Growth R&D Network will empower the world to deal with this century-old problem.

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Last updated:  01/30/03 08:10:39 PM