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A smile that spreads across your face and touches every heart
Eyes that twinkle when you grin so blue they light the dark
Little girl that grins and giggles, stealing every heart
The beauty of your mother has left a stunning mark

Take my hand and hold it tight, stay with me awhile
Before I know it you'll be gone and starting a new mile
Skin as pink as roses, hands as soft as silk
A voice that likes a whisper, telling secrets in the dark

Yesterday you were so small, hardly anything at all
Tiny steps with hands outstretched and reaching out to mama
Curly locks of dark brown hair cascading to your shoulder
All dressed up in Sunday best, getting everything in order

Listening so closely, eyes so big and blue
Playing mama with your babies just like mama used to do
Skipping down the sidewalk, swimming in the pool
All the memories I carry .... so fresh in my mind of you

Take my hand and hold it tight, stay with me awhile
Before I know it you'll be gone, replaced with a new gal
Grown up tall and pretty, flirting with the boys
Waving as you leave the house, gone are all the toys

Your my little beauty, a delight for all to see
Take my hand and hold it tight, come and stay with me
Your head upon my shoulder, kisses on my cheek
Little arms around my neck, playing hide and seek

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