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My grandfathers farm with a fireplace of brick
The farm house seemed huge when I was only six
I remember the rich earth, the fields filled with wheat
I remember the barn and the yard filled with geese

Over the hill was a barn and a pond
The ice house provided cold water, all summer long
The kindling was cut and piled by the house
Awaiting Autumn and the hunting of grouse

The outbuildings held secrets of sorts
You might find a tractor or a dappled old horse
A rope from the barn could provide for the day
Hours and hours of swinging and play

The splendor of Autumn with colors so bold
Bring memories of childhood that never grow old
An old man sits quietly upon the old porch
With a pipe in his hand, he looks over the earth

used with permission


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Original midi composition ©Bruce DeBoer, 2001