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For It is My Life Now

As I sit by a window of a waterfront restaurant enjoying the view of the sunset on the bay. The waves rolling endlessly upon the beach of sand washing all the footprints of the beach travelers away.

Truly enjoying this moment this freedom it may sound strange, but it’s new to me. For more years than I want to count My freedom, my choices just couldn’t be.

Time after time everything that went wrong was my fault or something I did.  Like a scared dog during a lighting storm in the bathroom often was where I hid.

Thinking of all the times I had to be taught with beatings leaving bruises everywhere. The pain would in time fade away. But the feeling that everything was my fault scarred deeply, filling me with doubts I still have today.

Friends and even family I had to set aside for I was told "they were evil and they lied." Follow strict orders with new ones every day hoping things would change or that I could die.

All those thoughts and feelings
are still filling spaces in my mind.
I am now out of that situation, living a new life
with help from so many who are so kind.

Finishing my meal I decided to take a walk along the beach, barefoot on the white sand. Filled with hopes and dreams of my own such great feeling most wouldn’t understand.

As I look back my footprints along with my past in time are slowly washing away.
"For it is my life now"
living the way I want day by day.

©John Tetor & Kathy Robling


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