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The years we shared together
They follow where we go
Like days of wine and roses
The days of memories grow

Each day we wake together
I know you are my friend
We learned of life together
The road will never end

You beside me always
Our hearts are both as one
From morning and through evening
The dawn and dusk becomes

A tribute to the memory
Of love we shared through years
Stepping with you graciously
With joy all new frontiers

I see you smile so sweetly
I catch your gentle glow
I always know you love me
In words and deeds you show

So gather all the memories
That dance within my soul
My friend my heart my darling
Our love has been life's stroll

Special is this happiness
That fills our cup with gold
You and I together
We never will grow old

When this life is over
I'll wait at heaven's door
Our journey will continue
Love's eternal life encore.

 Francine Pucillo 
©2000, used with permission
Poetry Emotion