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Jesus Hears Them All 

Listen ..... can you hear the teardrops falling on the floor
Maybe you can't hear them ....... but Jesus hears them all
Every time your heart aches or when you feel alone
He's standing right beside you ..... He hears our every moan

Reach your hand out ....... feel his presence, look upon His face
Touch the nail scars on His hands that nothing can erase
Remember how He hung upon a cross up on a hill
Remember how He suffered ...... doing His Father's will

This life is but a drop of rain that falls into the ocean
The time we spend upon the earth showing our devotion
The gates of heaven open to a world of peace and love
A place that sorrow never touches ...... heaven up above


Poetry showcased on this page is used with the permission
of the poet, Sand ***of Poetry by Sand © 2000
To read more of her poetry or order her books of poetry 
please visit her site.



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