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I wonder does he notice
The clothes I wear today
Way I fixed my hair for him
The hat I wear,  I pray

I hope that he will see me
Although I'm very shy
Heart is pounding faster
The minute he walks by

Should I make a motion
To somehow let him know
He's everything I dream of
The man that I love so

There he stands so handsome
My heart is skipping beats
If only he will notice me
My life would be complete

Now I see him coming
Just don't know what to do
Will he extend a greeting
I feel so weak it's true

He walks to me with presence
Say's "Do I know you"
You seem to be familiar
Do you mind if I join you

Her heart is now so happy
Her shyness fades away
The man of sweetest mystery
Said hello to her today

As they walk together
Down path of love they set
Both of them so grateful
That finally they met.

 Francine Pucillo 
Šused with permission



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