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She dances with the wind,
her hair blown wild and free
Her spirit wolf is standing guard,
face turned to the breeze

Her eyes gaze to the heavens,
where the moon is full
She listens to the silent whisper
of the spirits call

The moon dance is her heritage,
the spirit is her God
The chants she hears from far below,
where feet are leather shod

The drum beats swift and hollow;
her face is wet with tears
Her tears are mixed with laughter
as the spirit wolf stands near

The stars that twinkle overhead,
seem to sing a song
The spirit wolf lifts up his head
as if to sing along

A howl breaks through the night air,
a lingering cry so strong
She lifts her arms up to the sky,
the moon dance has begun


Poetry showcased on this page is used with the permission
of the poet, Sand ***of Poetry by Sand © 2000
To read more of her poetry or order her books of poetry 
please visit her site.



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