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You knelt beside my body and touched my silent form
You touched me with your sweet lips and held me in your arms
Your cheeks held the blush of roses, on a warm summer day
I reached out to caress you, praying you would stay

You brushed my lips with sweetness, that seared into my soul
Passion amongst the rose petals, captured with quiet allure
Gentle strokes upon my body, soft ivory hands so sure
Heart and soul unite together, to love forever more

Temptress lay beside me, in the cool of the evening breeze
My eyes are closed in wonder at this beauty that I see
My lips yearn to touch you and feel the flame grow
As we lay amongst the roses, passion we know

Poetry showcased on this page is used with the permission
of the poet, Sand ***of Poetry by Sand © 2000
To read more of her poetry or order her books of poetry 
please visit her site.



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