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Sad is the man who has no dream,
who never takes time to close his eyes for a little while,
to rest his weary mind. I see a child go hungry, no place to lay his 
head. I close my eyes and dream; I see a million of them fed.

I see the teens in their tender years, so frightened and confused.
How can they know which way to go in a world so full of woe. 
I close my eyes and dream;  I see a mountain to behold, 
with teens stretched out from end to end with arms reached
for the sky. We have to change the world you see, if we are
 to survive, we've got to stand together to fight this 
hate and crime. we must respect our parents, who love us one and all; for all to soon they'll all be gone, and we must carry

I see old folks sitting in a home so far away, they wonder what 
their doing there and why nobody cares; what happened to our 
world they say, where did it all gone wrong; why is there so much 
greed today, in a world that is so strong.

I close my eyes and dream; I see a man who takes my hand. 
Come with me and you shall see what happened to your land. 
He takes me some where way up high and as I look 
down below, through tears, I see a baron land where 
water used to flow.  Then he took me to this house, 
the likes I've never seen, where rooms were filled with
 gifts and gold, more than the mind could hold.

Are these for me I asked and he gently took my hand, they should my child, for you have faith and can surely dream, but your much richer for the treasured things you've seen.

These go to the man you see, the man who has no dream.

used with permission








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