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Hi Mom it's your angel
I just called to say
Been thinking of you lately
Why, just the other day

Was walking in the twilight
Suddenly you were there
Our arms around each other
With love we always share

Thought that I would tell you
How much you mean to me
I know I don't call often
Get sidetracked frequently

Not a day that goes by
That I don't think of you
Smiling at the beauty
That fills my heart anew

Each day I count my blessing
Know that I am blest
Can't imagine life without you
Put simply you're the best

Such memories I gather
That mean so much to me
The years of gentle moments
My treasured memories

Such happiness together
It's how we'll always be
The two of us together
God's gift for you and me

I wanted to remind you
Because days just slip away
I'm proud that your my Mother
That's all I have to say.

 Francine Pucillo 
Šused with permission








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