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I close my eyes and drift away to a land of golden dreams
A place so full of beauty, exquisite and serene
I dream of ships that carry me far away to sea
A place where I can be myself and live as I want to be

A bubbling brook lies hidden, a doorway to the sea
I slide my body into it , the warmth embraces me
I feel the water glide so smoothly touching on my face
Immersed in golden dreams of a distant loving place

Golden dreams surround me and take me far away
To the land of love and laughter, a place where I can play
Salty spray upon my face I feel the summer breeze
I feel your arms reach out to me, the love in your eyes I see

Golden dreams surround me, I think I want to stay
If I could only lie here forever and a day
Inside your arms so strong and sure, I feel so safe and warm
In golden dreams I see your face, a face that I adore

Poetry showcased on this page is used with the permission
of the poet, Sand ***of Poetry by Sand © 2000
To read more of her poetry or order her books of poetry 
please visit her site.

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 Inspirations ©2001 they are not
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