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It is nearly our Lords birthday,
Such joy that day should bring,
We happily will welcome,
The Lord, our one true King.

For all of us who suffer,
He will comfort us with love,
And one day we will join Him,
To live in joy above.

Though many of us falter,
On our journey through life's care,
When at last our life is done,
The Lord is waiting there.

He will take us in His arms,
And welcome us to our home,
Never again will we know pain,
Or ever want to roam.

Remember, on His birthday,
To reflect upon His love,
His love was such, He died for us,
So we could live in Heaven above.

So celebrate His birthday,
Make it a Heavenly Christmas day,
For Jesus, on this day was born,
To take all earth's sins away.

Written by: Carol Holden
(used with permission)

Midi Playing: Song Of The Stable