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Garden Walk Calendar

This page will be updated Weekly
Garden Walk list for summer 2007
Please feel free to contact me for a garden walk

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Special thanks to all the Garden Host from the year 2006

Master Gardener's Garden Walks of 2007

Preview of Coming Garden Walks

May 20th Childrens Garden on 9 Mile and Gratiot Eastpointe

June 2nd Iris Walk in Spring -Macomb Twp

June 14th Thursday Time 11 until 7 Flag Day in Gloria's Garden - St Clair Shores This Garden is growing by leaps and Frogs, water features, art, birds, Alpines, statues, you name it Gloria has it in her garden.Come and see what's in the pond under the Corkscrew Contorted willow tree

July 9th Monday "A Day in the Garden" Repeat, but this year we are trying for the daylily blooms, praying that the deer don't eat all the blooms like they did last year for the daylily society tour - Shelby Twp

July 11th Wednesday Time 12 until 8 pm Branbles and Fruit Trees and Vegetables Gardens in Clinton Twp

July 22nd Sunday 9am to 6 pm Warren
The Birds and the Bees and the Flowers and the Trees Certified by the National Wildlife Federation this back yard sanctuary is home to local wildlife and those that migrate through. The entire yard is landscaped to mimic a natural setting and is devoid of lawn. IPM is practiced along with composting and the use of rain barrels.

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