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(Irish, Scottish)

Welcome the Triune Goddess
She who is Ever Three
Lady of Fire
Lady of the Harp
Lady of Milk

Welcome Brid the Most Bright
Keeper of the Holy Flame
Fire of Inspiration
Fire of Shaping
Fire of Health

Mistress of Knowledge, to you we call
We hunger for your Starry Wisdom
Instructor of Bards
Initiator of the Wise
Shaper of Souls

Brid, come.
Brid, be welcome.
Brid, be here.

In Magick and Ritual- Brid can aid you in virtually any endeavor you wish ot undertake. Call on her for assistance in fire magick, crafting, inspiration, animal magick, fertility, healing, and childbirth. Honor her at Imbolg.
Correspondences- Fire, blackberries, Empress Tarot card, wells, milk, shields, lambs, and the heart (an ancient symbol of feminine power.)