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Four Major

Candlemas Sabbat-

February 2nd.
Also known as Imbolc, Oimelc, and Lady Day.


Beltane Sabbat-

Celebrated annually on May Eve and/or May 1st.
Also known as May Day, Rood Day, Rudemas, and Walpurgisnacht.


Lammas Sabbat-

August 1st.
Also known as Lughnasadh, August Eve, and the 1st festival of harvest.


Samhain Sabbat-

October 31st.
Also known as Halloween, hallowmas, All Hallows Eve, All Saints’ Eve, festival of the Dead, and the third festival of harvest.


Four Minor Sabbats


Spring Equinox Sabbat-

First day of Spring.
Also known as vernal Equinox Sabbat, Festival of the trees, Alban Eilir, Ostara, and Rite of Eostre.


Summer Solstice-

1st day of Summer.
Also known as Midsummer, Alban Hefin, and Litha.


Autumn Equinox Sabbat-

1st day of Fall.
Also known as the fall Sabbat, Alban Elfed, and the second festival of harvest.


Winter Solstice Sabbat-

1st day of Winter.
Also known as Yule, Winter Rite, Midwinter, and Alban Arthan.