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M.O.O. stands for MUD (multi-user-dungeon) Object Oriented. It is a cyber space world created entirely by text descriptions. The assignment was to create a visual map out of the descriptions provided.

Every item was thought out, such as each room is represented as a "0" and the objects in each room are designated by a "1" because this is a cyber world and information is created by binary numbers. The idea also applies to various exits because the"||" between "N||S" (in red next to the red paths) on the map is used by some programing languages to say "or". The landmarks (waterfalls, dirt road, etc.) in the MOO were determined by how many exits it contained, so if it had more than one, then it was drawn out. My idea was to make this a fantasy like map. I designed the world as a sphere not only because worlds tend to be a spheres, but also because it represents an idea in one's own mind, sort of like a thought bubble.

Programs used: Adobe Photoshop, Bryce 5