Michael Cuccione, his life, his site
01/29/01 05:25:38 PM
Evan Farmer
Los Angeles
Hi Everyone,
I sorry its been a while. I've pretty much fallen out of the loop for some time while my head clears and until I thought of something to say. Well, my head hasn't cleared, and I still don't quite know what to say about this tragedy. for the most part, I've sat back and just witnessed the incredible outpouring of emotion, support for those touched by Michael and all he's done, and all the beautiful thoughts which have expressed in different ways how special Michael was to everyone who knew him, and often to those who just knew of him. I saw Nigel a few weeks ago, and I think he summed up most beautifully, Michael's impact; he said "We had nothing to teach Michael, and everything to learn from him." He's right. But not because Michael had done more in his sixteen years, than most will ever do, not because everything Michael did (especially his gift of enetertainment) was truly a selfless gift to others, but because every minute of every day of his life, he lived honestly, positively, forgivingly, and careingly; because he was just a great kid who wanted others to smile - therfore HE smiled, who wanted others to really live - so HE really lived. Michael did everything in this vain, yet he never preached to anyone. He didn't have to because his example was so strong. Michael may have only lived to be 16 here on earth, but he has left a legacy that will last forever. I feel lucky and honored to have shared a piece of this time with Michael. Thank you all for your kind and careing words! I will continue to cherish them!