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Moo. Moo. Moo. Moo. Moo.

Everyone has them, and yet noone has an outlet for them. Of course I am speaking of pet peeves. I don't really call them pet peeves, though. I consider them to be "beefs", hence the term "What's your beef?" With this page, I am trying to let you know the things that really bug me. Do you want your beef to be listed? If so, email me with the subject named "Attn. Beefs" and I will consider yours for my page. Anyway, here are some of my beefs...

-I hate when people step in dog shit when 5 people had already said "Watch out for the dog shit!" I dunno why, it just is annoying. |top|
-I hate when I ask for NO PICKLES and I get the whole fuggin pickle jar dumped on my burger. |top|
-I hate when I get that slow-as-hell old lady at Mcdonald's and she always takes 10 years just to get me MY food...Oh she can get the guy in line 2 people behind me his food in like 3 seconds but for me...damn near 10 minutes. |top|
-I hate when girls cry at dumb shit. For example...I once told this girl that I want to go and tip a cow oneday (just kidding around ya know...) The next day I talk to her she tells me that she cried thinking about that. She said she thought it was just sad what those cows would have to go through. Gimme a break. |top|
-I hate when people sue for really gay reasons. For example...that lady who tried to sue the people who make the clapper people when she broke her hand clapping. That one was thrown out of court just as fast as you can say "Get back on your rocker." |top|
-(for the people who have AOL...) I hate people who answer with one sentence or less answers. It's so annoying...I will stop talking to them because it is boring with the one sentence things and then they ask me why I never talk to them. What kind of bulllish is that? |top|
-I hate when I get shit on my face or my shirt and noone tells me so I walk around with it on me all day getting strange looks. |top|
-I hate when cops bust you for doing stupid stuff (especially HP cops...damn Hazeltucky). One time we (tim, the cool guy, and myself) were walking in Hazel Park (this ghettoish city the is right next to our city that has all the restraunts within walking distance) to go to lunch at Mcdonald's. On our way back we stopped at Arbor's and bought some gum. While walking home we seen a few people walking together up ahead. Since Tim is a little weird, he decided to throw his gum up and hit the people walking. Well, the wind caught it and it hit this car (it was a red light). We didn't want any trouble so we ran behind this building. After the coast was clear (or so we thought) we started walking again. All of a sudden this HP cop car floors it across all 4 lanes and pulls up in the driveway behind us yelling at Tim. Me and Mike were just laughing the whole time while Tim got bitched at. We were hoping to be on COPS, but unfortunatly that appearance will have to wait a few more years. |top|
-I hate all this prophecy stuff. Noone was worried about it the last 5 years, so why go nuts over it now? The world was supposed to end sometime in July...then August 11...then the 12. It's nuts. "Don't believe the hype." |top|
-I hate fences. I swear everytime I try to climb a damn fence I end up falling on my ass. |top|

"I hate that shit. Fuck that shit." -Ghetto C.